Mountains by range: Lepontine Alps

Mountain range

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Displaying results 1 to 7 of 7.
Name Height
Latitude Longitude Country
Name Height
Latitude Longitude Country
1. Monte Dizgrazia 3678 9.75 46.2667 Italy
2. Monte Leone 3553 8.110278 46.249722 Switzerland
3. Blinnenhorn 3347 8.308028 46.425944 Switzerland
4. Wasenhorn (Terrarossa) 3246 8.0857 46.2663 Switzerland
5. Hübschhorn 3192 8.0575 46.237386 Switzerland
6. Klein Furkahorn 3026 8.41051 46.58007 Switzerland
7. Monte Giove 3009 8.3864 46.36159 Italy
