Mountains by range: Noric Alps

Mountain range

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Displaying results 1 to 5 of 5.
Name Height
Latitude Longitude Country
Name Height
Latitude Longitude Country
1. Dreiherrnspitze (Picco dei Tre Signori) 3498 12.240522 47.070231 Italy
2. Hochgall (Collalto) 3436 12.129057 46.913681 Italy
3. Hoher Weisszint (Punta Bianca) 3370 11.764906 46.973802 Italy
4. Sasso Nero (Schwarzenstein) 3369 11.874082 47.01053 Italy
5. Schneebiger Nock (Monte Nevoso) 3358 12.096441 46.899529 Italy
