Mountains by range: South Queensland Great Dividing Range

Mountain range

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Displaying results 1 to 8 of 8.
Name Height
Latitude Longitude Country
Name Height
Latitude Longitude Country
1. Mount Superbus 1375 152.460666 -28.218367 Australia
2. Mt Ballow 1313 152.614396 -28.269393 Australia
3. Mt Huntley 1261 152.43203 -28.144097 Australia
4. Spicer's Peak 1205 152.394074 -28.099107 Australia
5. Mt Bithongabel 1190 153.171189 -28.262422 Australia
6. Mount Cordeaux 1144 152.39316 -28.041834 Australia
7. Mount Maroon 966 152.727127 -28.210937 Australia
8. Mt Greville 770 152.502583 -28.074367 Australia
