Mountains by range: Cape York Ranges

Mountain range

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Displaying results 1 to 7 of 7.
Name Height
Latitude Longitude Country
Name Height
Latitude Longitude Country
1. Mount Bartle Frere 1622 145.817 -17.3833 Australia
2. Mt Carbine 1378 145.272257 -16.422226 Australia
3. Thornton Peak 1374 145.374119 -16.164291 Australia
4. Millaa Millaa Mountain 1372 145.546331 -17.557191 Australia
5. Mt Windsor 1351 145.024393 -16.232454 Australia
6. Mt Spurgeon 1327 145.200734 -16.438774 Australia
7. Lambs Head (Kahlpahlim Rock) 1300 145.64141 -17.02337 Australia
